Kavli Institute Collaboration Kickstarter (KICK) Grants

The Kavli Foundation invites applications from Kavli Institute members to establish new collaborative projects with scientists at other Kavli Institutes (KIs). This call is open to proposals between at least two current members of different Kavli Institutes, who seek moderate support to conduct an investigative research project, scholarly pursuit, or a public engagement project that leverages expertise beyond what is currently possible at their home institution. The following are examples of, but not limited to, work that may be applicable: 

  • Travel expenses for a postdoctoral or graduate fellow to engage in a short-term residency, to learn a technique or skill, or to engage in focused theoretical work from an expert at another KI 
  • Seed funding for a new project or technology that spans fields, with scientific staff from two or more KIs 
  • Conducting a pilot project between experimental and theoretical researchers from KIs, to establish a proof-of-principle toward an application for non-Kavli funding 
  • Support for a public engagement project, or social science research related to a scientific endeavor, involving multiple KIs 


The Kavli Foundation has received input from Kavli Institutes that there is interest in a mechanism to apply for moderate funding to catalyze collaborations between members of different KIs – particularly across interdisciplinary fields.  To address this need, a competitive grant mechanism has been launched, with the intent to provide funds for KI members to work with other KIs to kickstart new projects or collaborations, starting in 2025.   

Proposals on the following topics are beyond the scope of this call and will not be considered:  

  • Extension of existing collaborative projects 
  • Recruitment of new staff, or inclusion of staff not already affiliated with a KI 
  • Supplementing existing programs or fellowships already available at a KI 
  • Attending a meeting or conference 

Funds to supplement salary will not be covered.    

The foundation will consider requests between $10,000 and $120,000 based on merit and overall funding capacity at the time of receipt.  Project duration should be between 1 and 10 months. Ordinarily, projects will not be renewed; however, a particularly successful program could be considered for a maximum of one renewal. If proposed work is outside this scope, please contact the Foundation before submission.  


Kavli Institute members do not need to be KI professors or laboratory Principal Investigators (PI) to apply, but graduate students or postdocs must have a letter of support from their PI submitted with the application.  At this time, a KI member may apply for no more than one KICK Grant. 

How to Apply  

Potential applicants are encouraged to contact The Kavli Foundation in advance of submitting an application with questions or to verify eligibility (see contact information below). Only applications submitted through the online portal will be considered. Click the APPLY button to access and submit an application. Be prepared to provide:  

  • Project title 
  • Duration of project (in months) 
  • Kavli Institute participants.  Identify the PI from each KI 
    • Indicate if the Kavli institute director(s) are aware of this proposal. Project proposals are welcome from any KI members. 
  • Description of the proposed work, rationale, and scope (1000 word limit) 
  • Bibliography optional (300 word limit) 
  • Budget - Requested amount and a short justification. A detailed budget is not required (200 word limit) 
    • Indicate if matching funds will be available from a host KI 
  • For student or postdoctoral applicants:  Attach a Letter of Support from the advisor or PI 

No additional materials or appendices will be considered.


This application is open on a rolling basis, and awards will be made based on the number and quality of applications. Notification of award typically will be provided within 2-4 weeks after submission of a complete proposal.  

For any questions, contact The Kavli Foundation at science@kavlifoundation.orgwith an email title including the grant title and year: “KICK Grant [year]” 


Kavli Institute Collaboration Kickstarter (KICK) Grants

The Kavli Foundation invites applications from Kavli Institute members to establish new collaborative projects with scientists at other Kavli Institutes (KIs). This call is open to proposals between at least two current members of different Kavli Institutes, who seek moderate support to conduct an investigative research project, scholarly pursuit, or a public engagement project that leverages expertise beyond what is currently possible at their home institution. The following are examples of, but not limited to, work that may be applicable: 

  • Travel expenses for a postdoctoral or graduate fellow to engage in a short-term residency, to learn a technique or skill, or to engage in focused theoretical work from an expert at another KI 
  • Seed funding for a new project or technology that spans fields, with scientific staff from two or more KIs 
  • Conducting a pilot project between experimental and theoretical researchers from KIs, to establish a proof-of-principle toward an application for non-Kavli funding 
  • Support for a public engagement project, or social science research related to a scientific endeavor, involving multiple KIs 


The Kavli Foundation has received input from Kavli Institutes that there is interest in a mechanism to apply for moderate funding to catalyze collaborations between members of different KIs – particularly across interdisciplinary fields.  To address this need, a competitive grant mechanism has been launched, with the intent to provide funds for KI members to work with other KIs to kickstart new projects or collaborations, starting in 2025.   

Proposals on the following topics are beyond the scope of this call and will not be considered:  

  • Extension of existing collaborative projects 
  • Recruitment of new staff, or inclusion of staff not already affiliated with a KI 
  • Supplementing existing programs or fellowships already available at a KI 
  • Attending a meeting or conference 

Funds to supplement salary will not be covered.    

The foundation will consider requests between $10,000 and $120,000 based on merit and overall funding capacity at the time of receipt.  Project duration should be between 1 and 10 months. Ordinarily, projects will not be renewed; however, a particularly successful program could be considered for a maximum of one renewal. If proposed work is outside this scope, please contact the Foundation before submission.  


Kavli Institute members do not need to be KI professors or laboratory Principal Investigators (PI) to apply, but graduate students or postdocs must have a letter of support from their PI submitted with the application.  At this time, a KI member may apply for no more than one KICK Grant. 

How to Apply  

Potential applicants are encouraged to contact The Kavli Foundation in advance of submitting an application with questions or to verify eligibility (see contact information below). Only applications submitted through the online portal will be considered. Click the APPLY button to access and submit an application. Be prepared to provide:  

  • Project title 
  • Duration of project (in months) 
  • Kavli Institute participants.  Identify the PI from each KI 
    • Indicate if the Kavli institute director(s) are aware of this proposal. Project proposals are welcome from any KI members. 
  • Description of the proposed work, rationale, and scope (1000 word limit) 
  • Bibliography optional (300 word limit) 
  • Budget - Requested amount and a short justification. A detailed budget is not required (200 word limit) 
    • Indicate if matching funds will be available from a host KI 
  • For student or postdoctoral applicants:  Attach a Letter of Support from the advisor or PI 

No additional materials or appendices will be considered.


This application is open on a rolling basis, and awards will be made based on the number and quality of applications. Notification of award typically will be provided within 2-4 weeks after submission of a complete proposal.  

For any questions, contact The Kavli Foundation at science@kavlifoundation.orgwith an email title including the grant title and year: “KICK Grant [year]” 

Science and Society
Theoretical Physics